Staff Policy

Staff Policy

RELEVANT STANDARD(S): Clauses 1.13 – 1.16, Schedule 1 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisation 2015.


Sydney Rescue Consultants is committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs 2015).  As such, Sydney Rescue Consultants recruits appropriately qualified and experienced staff and effectively manages the competence of its RTO staff.

Sydney Rescue Consultants recognises the contribution of its staff in maintaining efficient and effective and quality training and assessment as well as business operations. As such, it is essential for Sydney Rescue Consultants to adhere to its selection process to ensure that it only engage staff with required qualifications, experience and personal attributes.


This policy outlines Sydney Rescue Consultants’ policy for the selection, induction, engagement and professional development of trainers and assessors and support staff. Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that all staff and its trainers and assessors, including those with third party providers (if applicable), are competent for the functions they perform.

Sydney Rescue Consultants will:

  1. implement effective practices for selection, induction and ongoing professional development of all trainers and assessors and other support staff;
  1. ensure that all trainers and assessors have the relevant vocational and VET competencies and experiences to undertake training and assessment activities;
  1. manage the performance of all trainers and assessors and support staff through performance review processes;
  1. provide access to relevant opportunities for professional development of its trainers and assessors and support staff.


Recruitment and Selection

Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that it has sufficient support staff and trainers and assessors to ensure smooth business operations and to deliver training and assessment for all its scope of registration at all times, in accordance with the training and assessment strategies.

Sydney Rescue Consultants implements an ethical and consistent recruitment process, compliant with the Equal Opportunity Legislation and this policy to ensure that all staff, trainers and assessors are competent and suitably qualified to undertake their specified role.

Sydney Rescue Consultants collects and verifies certified copy of certification documentation and VET and vocational competencies from successful applicants. These are securely maintained on individual staff file.

Verification of competencies via mapping process is implemented for trainers and assessors who cannot supply their certification documentation.

Sydney Rescue Consultants requires all trainers and assessors to obtain and provide a cop of their current National Police Clearance and Working with Children check as well as other license requirements (if applicable).

Staff Induction

Upon employment staff and trainers and assessors will undertake the Staff Induction process.

Any new staff, trainers and assessors must submit their signed completed staff induction checklist, staff handbook, contract and personal information details upon induction.

Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that all trainers/assessors will receive a comprehensive induction, which includes the:

  1. Induction Manual / Staff Handbook
  1. Job/Position Description / Duty Statement

Staff induction is recorded in the Staff Induction Checklist, which is reviewed and signed by the CEO and kept on an individual staff file.

Performance Review

Performance of staff, trainers and assessors is monitored through the performance review and feedback processes, which incorporates:

  1. client feedback (for trainer and assessors, client feedback during and after training and assessment program via the client feedback form(s));
  1. supervisor / manager feedback;
  1. trainers and assessors’ observations; and
  1. professional development record.

All staff, trainers and assessors participate in a formal performance review process at least annually.

The performance review process reviews past performance positively and involves making plans for ongoing professional development to assist the individual to achieve personal career goals and enhance workplace performance.

Performance review shall be scheduled by the HR department and conducted by the manager / supervisor of the staff to be reviewed.

All performance review discussion notes will be recorded in the staff file note form.

Trainer and Assessor Requirements

All trainers and assessors will be selected based on the requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015

Training will only be delivered by persons who have:

  1. vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed; and
  1. current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided; and
  1. current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment.

Sydney Rescue Consultants’ training and assessment is delivered only by persons who have

From 1 January 2016:

  • TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor; or
  • a diploma or higher level qualification in adult education; or

Where a person conducts assessment only, Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that the assessor has

From 1 January 2016:

  • TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor; or
  • a diploma or higher level qualification in adult education; or
  • TAESS00001 Assessor Skill Set or its successor.

Trainers and assessors are actively encouraged to continue developing their professional knowledge and skills in relation to vocational education and training, training packages, learning and assessment practices (including competency based training and assessment) through attending, but is not limited to networks, forums, seminars and other competency based or modularised courses.

Trainers and assessors are expected to complete their professional development activity/ies annually.

Professional development opportunities are discussed and planned during the performance review process, trainer meetings or agreed and organised as they arise. 

Trainers and assessors are actively encouraged to maintain currency of their industry vocational skills and skills and knowledge in their industry area. This can be done, but is not limited to exposure to industry workplaces and/or participation in workplace tasks (refer to the Industry Engagement Policy and Procedure).

Sydney Rescue Consultants requires trainers and assessors to justify their industry skills currency to the units of competency/ modules being delivered. 


All staffing practices are monitored by the CEO of Sydney Rescue Consultants. All areas for improvement identified are acted upon and evaluated.   



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