
Issuing a Statement of Attainment in a Modern World

Sydney Rescue Consultants Pty Ltd RTO#45525 is committed to providing students with their statement of attainment (SOA) in complete compliance with the ‘AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy’, ‘Standards for RTOs 2015’ - Schedule 5. With that we are also committed to assisting our clients and students with the unruly task of verifying a students competency. Now in the old days employers would have to contact the RTO who issued the SOA and verify the students certificate by use of the students name, student number, USI or certificate ID, which can be a long process, especially if you have to verify competencies issued by a range of RTOs. Additionally, wallet sized cards were issued to represent a certificate, so an employee could present their card to show competency and to not carry…
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Non-Accredited Training v Nationally Recognised Training

Is Non-Accredited training compliant? The simple answer is yes! By legislation workers must be given relevant training and instruction in regards to the works being conducted. Whether this is from nationally recognised training through a RTO just like Sydney Rescue Consultants Pty Ltd RTO#45525, or whether it be from an in-house non-accredited training program, there are benefits and drawbacks to both. But don't be mistaken, it does say TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION, over the years businesses have tossed and turned as to this requirement. Simply giving a worker an instruction via a SWMS or risk assessment is not enough. YOU MUST PROVE TRAINING. And that is where the difficulty lies. Nationally recognised training in say working at heights or confined spaces via VET provides proof of training as you are provided…
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Stand-by Rescue

Stand-by Rescue What is Stand-by Rescue? This is where you have trained, qualified and experienced persons who are able to perform rescue and first aid procedures at your work site. This can be done as a dedicated group that focuses directly on your work alone or it can be done as part of an overall Emergency Response Team (ERT), where the team is covering the whole site or work place. Depending on the situation, job and abilities of your stand-by rescuers, you teams rescue plan may only require the basics of training for example simple use of a tripod and haul system combined with basic first aid may be enough to cover the job you're doing. However, if you're conducting works with multiple trades and higher risk works, you may…
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Suspension Trauma

Suspension Trauma There's been a lot of debate about Suspension Trauma also known as suspension intolerance, harness suspension trauma, harness hang syndrome, suspension syndrome, orthostatic intolerance and a few other names I've heard over the years. Something else that has been debated is the first aid treatment. I've heard once again a variety of treatments, however when ask about it, most don't know where the got the information from, they were just told it on their initial training, they googled it or simply its what is on the PowerPoint presentation so that's what they tell the students. This can be very dangerous as if you use an invalidated technique you could actually end up doing more harm to the casualty. One example I've heard often, even by medical professionals is for rescuers…
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USI? What is a USI?

A Unique Student Identifier is a randomly generated reference number made up of ten numbers and/or letters. It is free and you can create your USI online anytime. If you attend our Nationally Accredited training you will need a USI this is a must have requirement from ASQA for us to issue a statement of attainment or qualifications. Once you have a USI, it remains with you for life. Through your USI account you will be able to view all the training you have undertaken from January 2015 onwards. Create your own now!
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Enrolments Now Open!

Australians who wish to work in the construction, utilities, or resources and infrastructure industries , can now get nationally accredited training with Sydney Rescue Consultants. RIIWHS204D Work safely at heights RIIWHS202D Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Click on the link above to learn more about each course, or call us at 0433 655 880 today!
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