Transition of Training Package Policy

Transition of Training Package Policy

RELEVANT STANDARD(S): Clauses 1.26 and 1.27 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015


Sydney Rescue Consultantsis committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs 2015). This policy provides the framework and general principles for Sydney Rescue Consultants transitioning of superseded training packages and expired accredited course to ensure it only delivers currently endorsed Training Packages of current VET accredited courses.


Sydney Rescue Consultants is committed to ensuring students have access to and are able to attain qualifications that most closely represents the current skill needs of industry. Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that it has effective and efficient practices in place to: 

  1. monitor currency of training products;
  • maintain currency of its scope of registration;
  • transition superseded training products;
  • transfer students to upgraded training package qualifications and VET accredited courses.


Industry Currency

An AQF Qualification or VET accredited course being superseded or discontinued is a clear indication that industry needs have changed to the extent that the previous qualification is no longer suitable.

Sydney Rescue Consultants Training Manager is responsible to monitor the currency of the training products and maintain the currency of Sydney Rescue Consultants scope of registration. Monitoring will be done as often as practicable.

Updating Training Products

Once a training package has been superseded, Sydney Rescue Consultants will liaise with relevant industry bodies, and develop products according to the training package requirements.

Students who transition to current training packages from superseded training packages shall be given resources to facilitate the transition process. These resources include, but are not limited to:

  1. upgraded workbooks;
  • updated workbooks.

Information to Students

Where a training package on Sydney Rescue Consultants scope of registration is superseded, no longer current, or deleted, the students will be informed as soon as possible. The information forwarded to the student must include:

  1. that the training package they are currently enrolled in is superseded / no longer current / deleted;
  • the transition process including relevant timeframes;
  • the implications of the transition; and
  • available options for students and the implications for choosing such options.

Transitioning Students

The needs of students are best served by transitioning them into replacement qualifications as soon as possible:

  1. Where a training product on Sydney Rescue Consultants’ scope of registration is superseded, all students’ training and assessment will be completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued, or students transferred into the replacement qualification, within one (1) year from the date the replacement training product was released in the national register unless otherwise specified.  (Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.26a)
  1. Students who will complete their learning and be issued a qualification or statement of attainment within the one-year transition period do not need to be transferred to the replacement training product.
  • Where an AQF qualification is no longer current and has been removed or deleted (i.e. it has not been superseded), all students’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within two (2) years from the date the AQF qualification was removed or deleted from the national register unless otherwise specified. (Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.26b)
  • Where a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is no longer current and has been removed or deleted (i.e. it has not been superseded) all students’ training and assessment is to be completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of one (1) year from the date the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module was removed or deleted from the national register unless otherwise specified.   (Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.26c)
  • No new enrolments or commencements will be accepted into any training product that has been removed or deleted from the national register. (Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.26d)

Superseded Units in Secondary Training Packages

The requirements above do not apply, where a secondary training package, still contains and requires the completion of a superseded unit of competency (from a “parent” training package). [For example, a BSB unit within a CPP qualification] (Standards for RTOs 2015 Clause 1.27)

Changes to Scope – Superseded Training Products

If an Industry Skills Council (ISC) deems that a replacement training product is equivalent to the superseded training product, Sydney Rescue Consultants’ scope of registration will be automatically updated by the VET Regulator to include the replacement training product.

If replacement training product is considered “not equivalent” to the superseded training product, Sydney Rescue Consultants will need to (prior to transferring any student enrolments):

  1. apply for the replacement product to be added to scope of registration; and
  • have the application approved.

One (1) year from the date a training product was superseded, the VET Regulator will remove the superseded training product from Sydney Rescue Consultants scope of registration. From this date, Sydney Rescue Consultants will not:

  1. enrol or train students in that training product; and /or
  • issue a qualification or statement of attainment for that training product (except reprint / replacement documentation for previously issued certification).

Changes to Scope – Deleted or Removed Qualifications

From time to time, ISCs may determine that a qualification will be removed or deleted without being replaced by another qualification. There is therefore no replacement qualification into which students can be transferred. 

Sydney Rescue Consultants will determine, in consultation with the student, an alternative qualification to meet student needs.

Sydney Rescue Consultants will not allow a student to commence training or assessment into a training product that has been deleted or removed, from the date the training product is removed from the national register. 

Two (2) years after a qualification has been removed or deleted from the national register, the VET Regulator will remove the qualification from Sydney Rescue Consultants’ scope of registration. From this date, Sydney Rescue Consultants will not:

  1. enrol or train students in that qualification; and/or  
  • issue a qualification for that training product (except reprint / replacement documentation for a previously issued qualification).

Changes to Scope – Deleted or Removed Skills Set, Unit of competency, Course or Module  

From time to time, ISCs may determine that a skillset, unit, course or module will be removed or deleted without being replaced. There is therefore no replacement into which students can be transferred. Sydney Rescue Consultants will determine, in consultation with the student, an alternative training product to meet student needs.

Sydney Rescue Consultants will not allow a student to commence training or assessment into a training product that has been deleted or removed from the date the training product is removed from the national register.

One (1) year after a skill set, unit or module has been removed or deleted from the national register; the VET Regulator will remove the skill set, unit or module from Sydney Rescue Consultants’ scope of registration. From this date, Sydney Rescue Consultants will not:

  1. enrol or train students in that qualification; and/ or
  • issue a statement of attainment (SOA) for that training product (except reprint / replacement documentation for a previously issued SOA).


The Training Manager of Sydney Rescue Consultants is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. Sydney Rescue Consultants Training Manager is responsible for monitoring the development of resources for new or superseded units of competency / qualifications.

All transition practices are monitored by the Training Manager of Sydney Rescue Consultants areas for improvement are identified and acted upon based on the Continuous Improvement Process.



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