Version Control Policy

Version Control Policy

RELEVANT STANDARD(S): Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 Standard 8.1-8.2


Sydney Rescue Consultants understands the importance of consistency in the version control of all documents, including training and assessment materials and administrative procedure and policies. Version control procedures are implemented continuously by all staff members to maintain compliance with the ‘Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015’


This policy outlines policy principles and procedure on version control. It ensures that Sydney Rescue Consultants and its staff manages and implements version control in all documentation.



  1. All previous versions of documents will be retained in an archive file
  1. The current version will  be accessed electronically within its respective folder in the Google Drive
  • Version numbers and dates are to be included in the Footer (e.g., v1.0 (23/05/2017) as well as in the filename (e.g., Version Control Policy v1.0)
  • Access to current documents will be available as necessary to the relevant personnel required to perform any function under the Sydney Rescue Consultants scope of registration.
  • All materials are to be reviewed for currency and approved by authorised personnel prior to issues or re-issue.
  • All changes to versions of training and assessment documents need to undergo the appropriate validation and/or moderation process.

Version Control Procedure

  1. All versions of documents will be numbered with the respective issue and date of change recorded in a version control table, as seen in Annex A.
  2. The current version will be accessed electronically within its respective folder in the Google Drive.
  3. Changes to document versioning protocols will depend on the extent of re-writing done on the document as seen in the Definitions of Change Table below:

Definitions of Change Table

Non-Significantdoes not change meaning, context, main function, or purpose with no/minimal impact on key stakeholder/s
Significantchanges either meaning, context, main function, or purpose and/or has a moderate impact on key stakeholder/s
Minor Revisiononly very few and minor changes made / few items, clauses, elements changed
Moderate Revisionmoderate number of changes made / some items, clauses, elements changed
Major Revisiona substantial number of changes made, or complete rewrite/ redevelopment/ majority of, or all clauses, elements changed

Sydney Rescue Consultants will follow this Version Control procedure for Google Documents, Forms and Registers:

  1. Create a copy of the Google Doc/ Google Form/ Google spreadsheet
  2. Rename the copied file as the old version
  3. Move the copied file in the Archive folder
  4. Edit the original document
  5. Rename the original document to the most recent version
  6. Update the version / document control table
  7. Update the footer to reflect the current version


All practices for the version control of documents are monitored by the Administrative Team and the CEO of the Sydney Rescue Consultants. Areas for improvement identified are lodged in the Continuous Improvement Register to be reviewed and acted upon.

Annex A

Version Control Table

IncrementChange to Document / Tool / FormChange to ProcedureChange to Policy
(e.g. v1.00 to 1.01)
– Minor revision
– Non-significant deletions / additions /edits to tool, document, or form
– Minor revision – Non-significant deletions / additions/ edits to a step, or steps in a procedure –  Non-significant change of key person/s in procedure– Minor revision – Non-significant deletions / additions/ edits to clause –  Non-significant change of key person outlined in policy
+.1 0
(e.g. v1.00 to 1.10)
– Moderate revision
– Significant deletions / additions/ edits to tool, document, or form
– Moderate revision – Significant deletions / additions/ edits to a step, or steps in a procedure –  Significant change of key person/s in procedure– Moderate revision
– Significant deletions / additions/ edits to clause – Significant change of key person outlined in policy
(e.g. v1.00 to 2.00)
 – Major revision – Majority / complete deletions / additions/ edits to tool, document, or form – Major revision –  Major and Significant deletions / additions/ edits to a step, or steps in a procedure –  Major and Significant change of key person/s in procedure – Major revision – Major and significant deletions / additions/ edits to clause – Major and significant change of key person outlined in policy


Version Control Table
DateSummary of ModificationsModified byVersion
21/12/2018Policy creationSydney Rescue Consultantsv. 1.0
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