Work, Health and Safety


RELEVANT LEGISLATION: Work Health and Safety Act 2011



Sydney Rescue Consultants is committed to providing quality training and assessment, in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs 2015).  As such, Sydney Rescue Consultants complies with relevant Federal, State and Territory laws, including those pertaining to work health and safety.


The policy ensures that Sydney Rescue Consultants complies with the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011 and other relevant Commonwealth Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulatory requirements that are relate to its operation and scope of registration.




Sydney Rescue Consultants strives to maintain a learning environment free of safety and health hazards, and that all staff, clients and visitors are made aware of health and safety requirements. These include emergency procedures that can affect their participation in vocational education and training.


Sydney Rescue Consultants will:

  1. provide a healthy learning environment for its staff, clients and contractors;


  1. maintain a safe workplace in order to enable employees to perform their tasks safely and efficiently; and


  1. comply with laws, regulations and standards that apply to Work Health and Safety.





Underpinning Principles                              

  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants consults its employees regarding Work Health and Safety (WHS).


  1. Risk Management is a top priority in all activities on and off site, and WHS is essential to risk management. Communication within all levels of Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures everything from clearly marked exits to spill signage and evacuation plans, and will be the foundation of a comprehensive approach to WHS.


  1. The CEO of Sydney Rescue Consultants conducts safety risk audits annually or prior to any task that may require a specific risk assessment such as high-risk work.
  2. Sydney Rescue Consultants continuously monitors the welfare of its clients and employees and has contingencies for situations that may negatively affect their health and safety.


  1. Matters pertaining to WHS are regularly discussed in management meetings.


  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that its employees and clients have ergonomic equipment.


  1. Staff meetings regularly include discussions about the safe use of equipment.


  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that it provides and maintains safe plant and equipment.


  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants promotes environmental protection, and ensures that proper disposal of various materials, including industrial waste where relevant, is carried out by all employees.


First Aid

  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants always has employees on duty who are qualified to administer first aid.


  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants ensures that only qualified employees administer first aid.


Management of Workplace Hazards / Risks           

  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants conducts regular safety checks in the workplace.


  1. All staff must conduct a safety inspection of the learning environment prior to the commencement of training and assessment every day.


  1. Identified hazards will be reported to the CEO of Sydney Rescue Consultants


  1. Hazard management will include:
    1. hazard identification;


  1. risk assessment;


  1. risk control; and


  1. monitor and evaluation.


Reporting Accidents and Incidents

All accidents and incidents will be reported to the CEO of Sydney Rescue Consultants immediately.


Emergency Management Plan                  

In the event of an accident or incident, emergency management plans must be followed. These may include:

  1. administration of first aid;


  1. organising medical assistance (Paramedics, Doctors, Transport to Hospital/Medical facility);


  1. bomb threat protocols;


  1. evacuation protocols; and


  1. hazard corrective actions.


Sydney Rescue Consultants Responsibilities


RTO’s Responsibility     

Sydney Rescue Consultants will:

  1. provide a safe working environment with adequate facilities and amenities;


  1. maintain safe working conditions through continuous monitoring of the work environment;


  1. ensure that employees have enough information about workplace health and safety, particularly about the reporting of health and safety issues;


  1. maintain the health and safety records of employees;


  1. assign a manager to be Sydney Rescue Consultants‘ health and safety representative; and


  1. allow employees to assign one of their peers to be their health and safety representative.


Operations Responsibility          

Sydney Rescue Consultants will:

  1. provide a safe working environment with adequate equipment and training;


  1. maintain safe working conditions through continuous monitoring of the work environment;


  1. ensure that employees have enough information about workplace health and safety, particularly about the reporting of health and safety issues;


  1. maintain the health and safety records of employees;


  1. assign a manager to be Sydney Rescue Consultants‘ health and safety representative; and


  1. allow employees to assign one of their peers to be their health and safety representative.




Employees and Clients’ Responsibility  

All employees and clients are primarily responsible for:

  1. their own health and safety, and for the health and safety of those who may be affected by their acts and omissions;


  1. cooperating with Sydney Rescue Consultants regarding compliance requirements imposed by or under the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011;


  1. avoiding wilful, reckless misuse of safety equipment; and


  1. ensuring the health and safety of everybody in Sydney Rescue Consultants by not wilfully putting anyone’s health and safety at risk.




  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants abides by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


  1. Sydney Rescue Consultants adheres to the Act’s WHS framework, and secures the health and safety of employees and workplaces by:
  2. protecting employees and clients against hazards to their health, safety and welfare through the elimination or minimisation of risks arising from work;


  1. providing for fair and effective workplace representation, consultation, cooperation and issue resolution in relation to WHS;
  2. promoting updates in WHS practices among unions and employer organisations, and helping employers and employees achieve a healthier and safer work environment;


  1. promoting the provision of advice, information, education and training in relation to work health and safety;


  1. enacting necessary measures to ensure compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011;


  1. ensuring proper scrutiny of persons who perform functions under the Work Health and Safety Act, and proper reviews of actions they have taken in this capacity;


  1. providing a framework for continuous improvement and progressive WHS standards; and


  1. maintaining and strengthening the national harmonisation of laws relating to WHS and facilitating a consistent national approach to WHS in this jurisdiction.




All WHS practices are monitored by the CEO of Sydney Rescue Consultants. Areas for improvement are identified and acted upon.



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