Issuing a Statement of Attainment in a Modern World

Sydney Rescue Consultants Pty Ltd RTO#45525 is committed to providing students with their statement of attainment (SOA) in complete compliance with the ‘AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy’, ‘Standards for
RTOs 2015’ – Schedule 5.

With that we are also committed to assisting our clients and students with the unruly task of verifying a students competency. Now in the old days employers would have to contact the RTO who issued the SOA and verify the students certificate by use of the students name, student number, USI or certificate ID, which can be a long process, especially if you have to verify competencies issued by a range of RTOs.

Additionally, wallet sized cards were issued to represent a certificate, so an employee could present their card to show competency and to not carry around a large certificate with them to a job site. Now the problem with this is that a wallet sized card IS NOT a statement of attainment or certificate, it represents the certificate. As ASQA has strict criteria on what is deemed as an SOA and most of the time the wallet sized cards to not meet this standard. The other problem with this is lack of security and it opens the door for fraud. It doesn’t take much to purchase a card printer and copy and paste an RTOs information onto it and make it look real. So you the employer may have workers on your site with fraudulent qualifications.

When was the last time you actually called the issuing RTO or checked to verify a workers qualification???

As of 2018 ASQA has rigorously conducted audits and issued fines and even closed RTOs in recognition of the wide spread fraud and non-compliance that has been occurring Australia wide with RTOs and students.

To combat this Sydney Rescue Consultants has put in place verification and security processes to ensure that students are covered and that the employers don’t have to stress or waste time validation workers SOAs. We have done away hard copy certificates and cards and input QR codes onto all our electronic certificates which allow two things. One you can print the certificate if you wish and use a QR scanner to verify the SOA or you can simply click on the QR code when its on your phone, computer or tablet and it will take you to our student management system and confirm its authentic or not. How much simpler is that! No more card books to carry on site. No more loosing your certificate, no more stress of having verify qualifications. Just click and verify and your done.

Its 2019 and we live in a world of ever evolving technologies, so we at Sydney Rescue Consultants are committed to provide modern up to date training, certification and rescue services to Australia.

Contact us today for our safety training courses in Sydney including working at heights training and confined space training

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